The Great Cloud

I'm impressed by Hebrews 12:1 and 2 tonight. We saw "Unstoppable" in the theaters, and on our way out, I was struck by the parallel between the off-camera onlookers, who cheered on the two heroes that effectively stopped a runaway train, and that "great cloud of witnesses surrounding us" from verse 1. We can't see them or hear them, but they are there. I can "see" Paul there from the invisible sidelines, perhaps the greatest evangelist/writer of most of the NT. He is cheering us on. The mere thought gives me chills. The father of all evangelists is watching me now, praying, hoping, emploring me to shine my light for Jesus. I can see my grandparents there, with grins from ear to ear, rooting me on. All of our loved ones gone before us are here, watching us from those unseen stands. It makes me want to run the race with greater endurance, fully fixing my eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of my faith; to lift my chin higher, dropping the dead weight of sin that so easily entangles me; to shine my light for all the world to see; to be a beacon of Christ, a safe harbor for ships dangerously close to shore; to fully, out and out drop every care or whim and run -- I mean, really book it.

Now is the time to run. Not when I feel ready. Not when I feel capable or strong enough or good enough. Not when I feel like I'm in the "right" situation. Not in hopes of better days. Not someday. Now.


Dale and Judy said…
Gives me such hope and encouragement!

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