Adjustment Period

I really want to get back into the stream of writing again or even keeping up with other blogs. I know it will happen eventually. I go throughout my day and think, that would make a great post, or I wonder what she's up to on her blog, and then I run up against the end of my day, completely spent after running around after my two busy bees; I sit down to nurse Caleb his last feeding at 9:30 or 10:00, and I don’t want to do anything but veg (how come my spellcheck doesn't like the spelling of that?) out on HGTV or hit the hay. At the moment, it’s easier to post quick little vignettes on our family blog, with pictures that say a thousand words, than it is to sit down and compose any thoughts of coherent value. I know I’m missing some indispensable writing inspirations, what, with being a new mom of three, but I have to give myself some room to adjust to it at the moment.

I’ll be back, I promise.


Sarah Markley said…
i love that picture, sara. don't beat yourself will get back to it when you get the chance. right now you have SO MUCH TO DO, i imagine! =)
Joel Bergman said…
one word. "sedatives." that's good though. i like the personal stuff too. keep it up.

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