Nothing of Significance

I just had a very satisfying half hour of reading some of my older posts. Yes, I'm reading my own writing. Somebody's got to! It's a pretty sad state. With 24 hits on my blog in the last two days, that equals 12 hits a day. And the fact that I just came here, read a few posts, and then clicked the "older posts" link means that it's more like 10 hits a day by anyone other than myself. Yes, folks, I have 10 readers. Just think, you are one of the lucky 10, whoever you are. Maybe. Two of those hits may have been my mom who decided to come back and read it again, which would make it more like 8 hits. I don't know that for sure. I know none of those hits are my brother because he almost never reads what I write, regardless of my unswerving devotion to follow his blog. I had to go back and add "almost" to that last sentence; I'm trying not to use extreme words like always and never, even though I really think never is the actual word I want to use.

I know, I'm just rambling here. We're leaving for a pretty big camping trip to the Grand Canyon in a day, and I'm avoiding all the preparation for it by writing absolutely nothing of significance. But this way, I'll have something new to read next time I come back and visit my own blog.


Sarah Markley said…
oh, you kill me. =)

you are in my google i read you, but it doesn't come up as a "hit" because its a feed. there are probably others out there like that too. don't worry so much.

have fun on your trip!
Unknown said…
Good to know, Sarah -- about the google reader, that is. And I was only joking, btw. I know I'm not widely read. It's okay with me. I just like to write for the fun of it. It's a catharsis for me, you know?

Hey, but I left a big enough guilt trip to make you comment!! Hahaha! j/k

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