Brownie Button

So I’ve decided I officially deserve a brownie button. I have been getting up routinely since Monday (when it all started), dragging my bottom out of sleepyland and onto the treadmill for 30 minutes, really, before my day even begins.

This is quite an accomplishment for me. I don’t usually get out of bed early unless a near-disastrous, earth-shaking emergency rudely shocks me out of sleep, like the other day when Esther swallowed glass. Yes, glass. It was a Saturday morning, and Esther was playing with one of those snow-globe toys, the kind with snow and water trapped underneath a glass ball. She apparently dropped it and then went hungrily after the shattered glass; it’s amazing what kids think is candy. So Eric, not knowing what to do and not wanting to leave Esther there in the middle of all the glass, tells Abby to come get me out of bed. I don’t remember much, the groggy state I was in, but I know I was mentally rumpled when she barged quickly into the room and danced around carelessly, not sensing the perilous nature of the event, saying, “Mommy, Daddy needs you.” These abrupt awakenings are a frequent thing on Saturday mornings, ranging from, “Abby, what are you doing in here?” to “There’s no more toilet paper in the bathroom” to “Esther messed her pants,” so when her presence didn’t get me up immediately, the next thing I heard was Eric’s usually placid voice screaming, “SARA! COME QUICKLY!” This was the near-disastrous, earth-shaking emergency that kicked me up out of bed recently, and rightly so. Initially I was a little peevish about it, though, like, “What’s the big deal? So she ate a little piece of glass.” Yeah, so my brain takes a little longer to wake up than the average person’s, and yes, sleep is a little too high on my priority list. Thankfully, after several pieces of toast and lots of orange juice, the doctor said she would be just fine.

But back to the brownie button: I’ve obeyed my alarm every day so far this week – no near disaster, no earth tremors – got up early, and even managed to hoist my bulky girth onto the treadmill, then into the shower, and be spit back out almost before Eric’s left for work.

Aren’t you proud?


Dale and Judy said…
I am sooooooooo proud because I personally know what it is like for a night person to get up early. It's so tough. Everything in you screams to stay in bed. All those morning people just don't understand at all. Keep up the good work, Sar. Maybe we can change our body clocks around. Since the Euro trip, I've been getting up at 5:00. I love it. "Lord, help us to continue to rise early, just like you did every day of your life on earth, and spend time with you and pray. In Jesus name, Amen."
Unknown said…
Thanks, Mom. And AMEN to that! I'd love to become a morning person (and to spend it with the Lord). I HAVE been faithfully reading my Bible every morning, too, as I eat breakfast, so that's been very enriching.

I can't believe I still gained 3 pounds this week, even though I exercised every day. I don't feel like I'm eating WAY too much either, so I don't know. :-(
Yakko said…
WOW! Y e s ! ! ! You do deserve a BUTTON, or a piece of chocolate cake, or something wonderful! WAY TO GO!!!
But.. oh my! Essie eating glass... That is so classic!! hahaha
I'm glad that she is okay... but--- wow... still amazed... and amazed at how you handled it... sounds like you did a good job at keeping your cool-- even if it was just simply your morning speed way of dealing with things! :)
I LOVE this post. You did a great job writing it. From the opening, to the body (tangent) to the closing... intriguing! COMPLETELY!

Speaking of weight!!! I need you back OP (on plan) with me!! I made Pumpkin Cheesecake tonight. Just tested it... better than i could have imagined!! WOW! OH NO!

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