Esther's Birth -- Introduction

A year ago I was asked to speak on the story of Esther’s birth for a Christian Women’s Fellowship group where I live, and somewhere I’ve got a four page, single-spaced account of the event, one I certainly will never forget and yet another testimony to His goodness in our lives. The person who asked me to speak knew Esther’s name came about through special circumstances, and so she asked me to "give a little talk" about that, but I think she got way more than she bargained for. I started my talk out with something like, “I’m going to begin by giving you a little history about me. I was born in 1973 to Pastor Dale and Judy Bergman…” I remember one of my friends in the crowd yelled out, “Wow, Sara, that’s going way back!” When I tell a story, I tend to go back to the start, like where I was born and raised and other insignificant details like that. I think I’m always wanting to make a bosom buddy with whichever victim has succumbed to my friend-thirsty heart, so I unleash the flood of words I often save up for just such an occasion.

All that to say, I’m going to try to pare down the story of her birth somehow or maybe give it to you in short increments. Either way, expect that eventually those four pages will wind up somewhere posted on this blog, even if I break it up into Part I, II, and III, just so that I may have it forever chronicled on the pages of our family history, a constant reminder of yet another miracle the Lord did for us.

So...more on her miraculous birth to come.


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