A Breakthrough

I went to bed last night, deeply grieved at how impatient I had been with Abby yesterday. Imploring God, I begged for His help in overcoming impatience. It seems like mission impossible in my life, and I’m sure that was His first thought to Himself (…this is Your mission, should You choose to accept it…), but He seemed to hear my cry, regardless.

This morning, when I awoke, there was something different about me. I can only explain it by saying that it was like I was operating at half speed. I listened before I responded. I pondered before I reacted. I used my two ears more than my one mouth, since God’s given them to me in this ratio for good reason. I even thought slower… When my mind’s first instinct was to snap, “Abby, go play so I can check e-mail for a second,” I stopped and heard what she was trying to communicate to me.

I listened. I listened. I listened.

It was as though God allowed me to experience what my husband thinks and feels throughout the day. I breathed more. I jumped to conclusions less. It was nothing short of miraculous in the life of Sara Carmichael.

Tonight I’m going to bed with the same resolve in the area of gratefulness. I want to see another miracle. He is a God of miracles, after all.


Anonymous said…
Awe! :) love it Sar.

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