Devouring Time

She eats time like a ravenous bear, chomping away at it from one toy-consumed second to the next. She is rabid in her search for entertainingly novel vessels, tearing away at household furnishings, casting them aside as hindrances to her fleeting pleasures. I am the often-weary bystander, lead about by this amusement-chasing creature. She leads the way, not I. Time inches by too slowly for her liking. Books, puzzles, games, dolls, trinkets – swallowed whole, an utter bore in only an instant. She is impatient at how long she has to wait for any matter, and yet she defies the laws of this attitude by growing at record-breaking speeds. Little does she know that the time she is working so hard to hasten will soon enough lead her around, becoming something she is unable to brake, though she grasp at it with respite-seeking fingers. It will topple over and careen along a lifetime slope of joys and sorrows and rapidly successive tomorrows. It will rush ahead of her and quickly devour whatever precious affairs she desires to linger, even for just a moment.

Today will leave on her mind little residue on the effects of this inevitability. Today is now, and right now time is for greedy consumption.


Clever post, I like your writing style and am glad to have found your blog

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