Polar Opposites

He’s not perfect, but he’s perfect for me. We’re about as opposite as the first letters of our names, hanging out at almost polar-opposite ends of the alphabet. I’ve always heard opposites attract, but seven years of marriage is the proof. Opposites definitely attracted the two of us.

I remember the first time I saw him in the student lounge at the university; he was talking with an elderly gentleman, and all I could think of was how genuine and sincere he was with this man…and friendly. He gave him his entire attention, not distracted by the pretty girls or various friends sitting around him. He was respectful and courteous and incredibly magnanimous. I was immediately drawn to him. Not that I’m such the opposite of all of these qualities, but the smoothness with which he exhibited these qualities – it was evident that they were so very much him. He wasn’t trying to be magnetic; he just was. Whenever I interact with people, even today, unless it is with my close family members, it is often with awkward bumps, coached pleasantries, and messy silences. It doesn’t often run smoothly. I’m always more self-conscious than I am self-confident. For Eric conversation and friendships, whether close or casual, come easily. I love this about him. I can hang back at parties, be a wallflower if I so desire, and watch him add new friends to his ever-growing list.

He's the tortoise, and I'm the hare; he almost always seems to win the race.

God has used this opposite outlook in our marriage. Where I am stressed out, trying to check off the details on a huge to-do list, he is looking at the bigger picture and giving me clarity. When I am injured with a friend who’s hurt my feelings, he steps back and adds perspective. When I am clueless as to how to raise our oldest, the personality most duplicated after him, he amazes me with simple techniques that work well with her.

In him is balance. In him is rest.

I am blessed to have married this polar opposite.


Yakko said…
WOW! What a most precious post.
Your husband is also super blessed to be married to such a woman as YOU!
Anonymous said…
I had a really hard night last night, due to you know what. I didn't even want to get on the internet because I was afraid of what I would find in the e-mails. This morning I decided I better face it anyway. First, there were no negative e-mails. Then there was an e-mail from Pat Lopez which was a memo from God saying, basically, "Don't worry about anything, I've got it all handled." That started the tears. Then I went to your precious website that I love and of course the one about your visit to the doctor made me cry even more (in a good way). Then this post about Eric and the tears just won't quit (in a goo way). I have experienced that same quality about Eric that is so precious. I remember at the CSR test how his calming ways helped me so much. I remember walking into his classroom one day (I think I was delivering something from you) and he was having a conference with a parent. He was that same way you described with that parent. I remember thinking, "Boy, if I was a mom with a child in this classroom, I would love this teacher." We truly are blessed, Sar, with the best men in the world and I am doubly blessed with a precious daughter that is my best friend and she and my adopted "son" have given me the greatest gift in the world of 2 and 1/2 beautiful beautiful babies. Thank you, Sar; thank you, Eric. P.S. Don't mention the incident we talked about to anybody but Eric. Thanks.

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