Your Vote

How will you vote this election? Whether you comment below and tell me or not, I pray that you will carefully and prayerfully consider your decision, reflecting deeply on the gravity of your vote. I warned you I'm getting more political.

A candidate could promise me health care coverage and a hefty rebate; he could promise me to turn the economy back on its feet again; he could promise me peace in the Middle East; he could ultimately promise me the world, but if he lacks moral fiber, if he lacks the principles upon which this country was founded, if he lacks what God deems love, he is a sounding gong or a clanging cymbal. My vote cannot be bought; it must be earned.

How do you make your decision for whom to vote? Will you vote what you think will benefit your pocketbook most, or will you vote your moral conscience? Maybe you claim to be doing both, or maybe you actually are. Will you vote for the candidate that supports alternative marriage, adoption rights for gay couples, and teaching alternative lifestyles to children in public schools, or will you vote for the one who wants to uphold the traditional definition of marriage as between one man and one woman? Will you vote for the candidate that wants to bolster Roe v. Wade, is for partial birth abortion in some cases, did not sign legislation for children born alive from failed abortions, and supports crossing state lines to allow abortions for minors, or will you vote for the candidate who stands behind the sanctity of all human life, no matter the stage? Will you vote for the candidate who says he “promotes” tolerance (as long tolerance of Christian values isn’t required) or for the candidate who thinks religious freedom is key to the foundation of our great country?

Maybe you haven’t even gotten into the heart of these issues; the media has backed off from them for the most part, which is so typical of mainstream these days, so why should we be any different? Maybe you’ve only focused on who argues his point best or who appears to have the better promise to boost the economic downturn or who might bring the soldiers home sooner. But maybe you should look a little closer

Whichever candidate you vote for, please vote prayerfully. And once the vote is said and done, please pray for the man who takes office; whoever that may be, he will desperately need the fervent prayers of those chillingly few left in this country apparently willing to do so.


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